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Senior Cooperative Housing

Supportive Community

Co-op choir practice A hallmark of senior cooperative living is a sense of connectedness.

Unlike in many neighborhoods or housing developments, where you may know only a few of your neighbors if any at all, a senior housing cooperative is made up of neighbors who have chosen to live cooperatively and who recognize the benefits of community.

Members respect each other’s privacy, but they also look out for each other. If something’s wrong, it won’t go unnoticed for long. And when you have happy news to share (a new grandchild, perhaps?), others will join in your celebrations.

Single people who move into a senior cooperative tend to find a friendly place where they can get involved, make new friends, and feel safe and welcomed.

Couples experience much the same, with the added knowledge that if something were to happen to one of them, the other could stay in their home, surrounded by a familiar and supportive community.